【演講】Plan Investment and Evaluation guest lecture – Affordable Housing in Canada 加拿大的可負擔住宅

Speech Topic 講 題

Affordable Housing in Canada 加拿大的可負擔住宅


Time 時 間

109 / 11 / 09 14:10~17:00


Location 地 點

國立成功大學光復校區 都市計劃學系50302室


Presenter 演 講 者 劉德芳 DEVON WILLIS

  • Eudcation 學歷
    • CHINESE LANGUAGE, levels A-D 成大中文
    • ERASMUS MUNDUS Master’s of Urban Studies, 4CITIES
  • Experience 經歷
    • Land Use Advisor (Urban Planner)
    • Citizen Member of the Verdun Borough Planning Advisory Committee


Presenter’s Profile 講者資訊

Devon is a multilingual professional with a multidisciplinary education in urban planning and studies, transportation and environment, and work experience in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. She is specialized in sustainable urban planning, public and active transportation and community engagement, transportation planning in Taiwan, bringing to the table the years of professional and academic experience in North America, Latin America and Europe.