Distinguished Professor
Chen Yen-Jong
- Title:
Distinguished Professor - Email:
yj_chen@mail.ncku.edu.tw - Lab:
50414 - TEL:
06-2757575 ext.54233 - Education:
Ph.D., Northwestern University, U.S.A. - Specialties :
Urban Economics, Housing Studies, Discrete Choice Analysis, Land Spatial Planning
- 國立成功大學研究總中心(國土研究中心) 專任助理研究員(106.11~迄今)
- 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 專任副研究員(101.04~迄今)
- 行政院工程會 公共工程品質管理人員回訓班 專任講師(103.08~迄今)
- 國立成功大學都市計劃學系 兼任助理教授(107.02~迄今)
- 中華亞太經濟與管理學會 秘書長
- 社團法人兩岸城鄉統籌規劃暨產業聯合會 監事
- 國立成功大學博士後研究員(103.10~106.10)
- 清寰國際管理顧問股份有限公司資深專案經理協理 (101.10~103.03)
- 中華大學休閒遊憩規劃與管理學系兼任助理教授(101.08~106.06)
- 嘉南藥理科技大學休閒保健系機兼任助理教授(101.02~101.07)
- 嘉南藥理科技大學休閒保健系兼任講師(95.08~100.01)
- 成功大學國土研究中心專兼任研究助理(91.09~100.12)
- 台北縣政府瑞芳鎮公所建設課職代課員(91.02~91.08)
- 高雄大學區域經濟與都市發展研究中心專任研究助理(89.09~90.11)
- 中華民國都市計劃學會優秀博士論文獎(2012)
- 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員(2012)
- 中華民國都市計劃學會優秀碩士論文獎(2004)
Refereed Papers
- Tsai, N., Y.H. Hsu, Y.J. Chen,(2012.09) “The Effects of the Population Aging, Ruling Political Parties, and Local Governments on the Welfare Spending in Taiwan – From 1993 to 2007”, Issues & Studies,48(3):147-184. [SSCI].
- Chen Y.J., C.Y. Chen,(2012.04),” Living Arrangement Preferences of Elderly People in Taiwan as Affected by Family Resources and Social Participation”, Journal of Family History, [SSCI, DOI: 10.1177/0363199012440948] (NSC 97-2410-H-006-044).
- Chen, Y.J., C.H. Lu, C.J. Cho,(2012.07) “Factors Affecting the Housing Affordable Gap – Empirical Study of Taiwan Cities.” 2012 Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES), Singapore.
- Chen,C.Y.,YJ.Chen,(2011.07) “The Social Migration Effect Toward Population Aging-The Application of Preston’s Rate of a Change of a Population’s Mean Age Improvement Model in Taiwan” Eiropion Network for Housing Research (ENHR) 2011, in Toulouse,France
- Nina Tsai, Y.J. Chen, Yuan-Ho Hsu (2010, “ Effects of House Prices in Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanisms in Taiwan”, The Empirical Economics Letters, 9(12):1139 -1146. (JEL/EconLit)
- Chen, Y.J., H.W. Weng, (2010.08) “Housing Affordabile Price, Real Price, and Probability of Affordability Risk—Empirical Comparison of Taipei City and Kaohsiung City.” in Proceedings of 2010 International Confernce of Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR)—Housing Affordability, Sustainablility and Livablity: Towards a Comparative Approach, 129-142, China Archtecture & Building Press. (ISBN: 978-7-112-12328-5)
- Lu, C.H., Y.J. Chen, (2010) “A Protocol Analysis of Urban Population Spatial Distribution Under Rising Sea Level: a Case Example of Tainan City, Taiwan”, in Flood Recovery, Innovation and Reponse II, 155-166, WIT Press, UK. (ISBN: 978-1-84564-444-4)
- Ching-Yi Chen, Yen-Jong Chen, ( 2009.08 ) “The Welfare Comparison of the Middle and Low Income Elder’s Housing Subsidies.” The International Symposium on City Planning 2009, in Tainan , Taiwan .
- Ching-Yi Chen, Yen-Jong Chen, ( 2009.07 ) “Observations of Middle and Low Income Elders for General Residence and Seniors Home on the Environment Attributes — Comparisons of City and Rural Types in Taiwan.” 2009 Asian Real Estate Society, AsRES in Los Angles, USA .
- Lu, C.H., Yen-Jong Chen, ( 2009.07 ) “Inspecting the Housing Price Changes of Gate Cities Under the “Mini Three Links” Policy between China and Taiwan.” 2009 Asian Real Estate Society, AsRES in Los Angles, USA .
- Ching-Yi Chen, Yen-Jong Chen, July, 2008. “ The Expected Living Arrangements of Elderly People in Taiwan .” The 13 th Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) Annual Meeting and conference. Shanghai , China .
- Lu, C.H., Yen-Jong Chen, Hwa Lin, July, 2008. “Urban Housing Prices under Globalization: A Primary Observation of Big Cities in China .” The 13 th Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) Annual Meeting and conference. Shanghai , China .
- Chen, Y.J., H.Y. Teng, C.Y. Chen(2007. 8), “Evaluating the Marginal Effects of Welfare Subsidies on Rental Housing-A Comparison of Two Cities in Taiwan.” The 9th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Lu, C.H., Y.J. Chen(2007. 7), “Migration Decision and Residential Location Choice: Empirical Models of Science-based Industrial Park in Taiwan.” The 12th AsRES Annual Conference & The 2007 AREUEA International Conference. Macau China.
- Chen,Y.J.(2007.03), “The Environmental Externality and the Spatial Autocorrelation of Urban Housing Prices: Cases Studies of Taiwan City”,Proceedings of The 6th China Urban Housing Conference; 657-664, Beijing, China.
- Chen, C.H., Y. J. Chen(2006.), “The Endogeneity of the Marriage Decision to the First Time House Buying.” The 22th American Real Estate Society (ARES) International Conference, Florida, USA.
- Chen,Y.J. and S.T. Wong (2004.08),”Examining the Spatial Auto correlation of Housing Prices in Taiwan Urban Area”, AsRES 2004 International Conference, New Delhi, India.
- Chen,Y.J.(2003.09),”The prospective Demand of the Owner-Occupied Housing—An Empirical Inference in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan”, 2003 International Symposium, Japan (Taiwan Conferecnce).
- Chen,Y.J. and C.H. Chen (2003.08),”Evaluating the Industrial Sustainability and Housing Price Change after the ‘921 Earthquakes’ in Taiwan”, AREUEA/AsRES 2003 International Conference, Singapore (Virtual Conference).
- Chen,Y.J. and Y.C. Hsu (2002.7),”Price and Income Elasticity of Taiwan Rental Housing”, AREUEA/AsRES 2002 International Conference, Seoul, Korea
- Lian, G,Y and Y.J. Chen,(2002.03),” A Housing Location Choice Model Combined with a Fuzzy Linguistic Scal”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 4(1):648-654. (NSC89-2415-H006-011-SSS).(SCI)
- Chen,Y.J. and C.H. Chen (2001.11),”Industrial Restore and Sustainability in Taiwan after the 921 Earthquakes,” 2001 First International Conference on Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. (NSC89-2621-Z006-010)
- Chen,Y.J. and G,F.Lin (2001.8),”Housing Vacancy Chains in Taiwan”, AREUEA/AsRES 2001 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan
- Chen, Y.J. (2000),” Modeling Impacts of Vacancy Taxes on the Taiwan Housing Market,” Proceedings of the National Science Council, ROC, Part C: Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(2). (NSC87-2415-H006-010) (TSSCI)
Department of Urban Planning, NCKU
Address: No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886-6-2757575 #54200